Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New bundle: Fever Heat, all parts

Now available: Fever Heat, all parts

This is a compilation of all parts of "Fever Heat" into a 13,300-word novelette.

At the height of a devastating pandemic, Ingrid finds herself recovering in a hospital ward that most patients never leave alive. After months of social distancing that has left her desperate for human contact, she cannot turn away from the desires of a lonely man approaching his last breath. She may have a fever, but it’s a different heat that rises as she finds how much comfort and joy she can bring to a fellow human who, like her, yearns for human contact, but unlike her, has no realistic prospect of finding it later in life.

As the night progresses, Ingrid learns that she has something to offer amid an otherwise tragic situation. She may not be able to help the medical staff save lives, but she can revive spirits of despondent patients and overworked healthcare workers alike. Being amid the lucky few who contracted yet overcame the illness leaves her uniquely positioned to follow her passions, bringing light and plenty of heat to her small corner of the world.

This bundle is released with a minor discount.  A larger discount for the full novelette will be available after a greater span of time since the original parts' separate releases.